Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I"m Alive! ;)
I started treatments with a new doctor here in town!
and they seem to be working!!!!
I have a few pricklies on my head
2 eyebrow hairs that I can see,
and some mini eyelashes!
But only I can see them, which worries me.
it makes me think that I am imagining that they are existent.
oh well.
we'll see as time passes.
check out my Alopecia blog at:
Linda and I both got a new camera for Christmas/ birthday.
So Miss Linda had some fun with my clean face!
And I'm sure she would love for you to see the pictures she took!
Abi, my niece has been keeping me very entertained!
I love her so much, it's amazing to see how much she's grown up over 1 year!!

She walks
signs a few things in ASL
and dances :)
(video to come later)
I'm so grateful for the opportunity I've had to babysit her!
Ali got married!
We had an amazing time with all of the family!
and the wedding was beautiful!
I love my family!